Client Results:
Real people, real results

Linda Judge

Linda was facing some big changes to her body, and in order to tackle them she didn’t want to be carrying any additional weight that could get in the way.

Glenn Trott

Glenn came on board wanting to lose body fat, predominantly from his abdomen and lower back area.

Rosanna Barba

Rosanna has already got a really good handle on her weight so her objective was to tone up and change her body shape.

Samantha Ferguson

Sam enjoyed her weekly workout routine and when she started training with me she already knew the issue holding her back from achieving her results was with food.

Marianne Trott

Marianne joined the programme when she was already training 4 or 5 times a week. She knew she had to fix her nutrition to see improved results from all her hard work.

Julie Saint

Julie was reluctant to change her diet at first, thinking it was probably something she wouldn’t enjoy and so wouldn’t see through to the end.

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